2018 Annual Meetup Member Survey

What is the name of your local WordPress group? *

If your group is not listed, please write in the answer below.

How satisfied are you overall with this meetup group? *

How local are you? *

How long have you been a member of this group? *

How often do you participate in these events? *

So far, what has your involvement in the group included? *

Check all that apply.

What factors affect whether you attend or not? *

Check all that apply.

Are there specific days/times that would make it easier for you to attend?

Are there specific neighborhoods/parts of town that would make it easier for you to attend?

Let us know where.

Have you ever RSVPed as Yes to a meetup event and then not shown up?

You're not in trouble if the answer is yes, we're just trying to establish a baseline for each group.

Which types of events sound appealing to you? *

Would you be interested in organizing an event within your WordPress group? *

This could be anything from a formal presentation to a casual workalong at a coffee shop.

Do your group organizers ask members to suggest or organize events, and/or would you feel comfortable contacting them with requests or suggestions? *

How do you feel about refreshments at the meetup? *

This question refers to drinks/food at the actual meetup, and does not include things like a trip to the pub after the meeting is over.

How would you describe yourself? *

Check all that apply.

Have you ever contributed or participated in the WordPress open source project? *

Check all that apply.

Would you be interested in participating in a contribution drive for any of the areas you selected above?

Were there any presentations or events in your meetup group this past year that you thought were particularly good?

If there were any really good speakers, mention them by name if you can.

Were there any presentations or events in your meetup group this past year that you thought were not a good fit for the group?

This could be an inappropriate topic or speaker, a format that didn't work very well, etc.

If there were a WordCamp in your area, would you like to be involved? *

Check all that apply.

If there's any other feedback you'd like to give us about the meetup group, here's your chance! :)

Your name (optional)

We'll only use this if you gave feedback that requires follow-up or if you said you're interested in organizing events/becoming a contributor. This contact information will not be tied to the aggregate survey results shared with group organizers and members.

Your email address (optional)

We'll only use this if you gave feedback that requires follow-up or if you said you're interested in organizing events/becoming a contributor. This contact information will not be tied to the aggregate survey results shared with group organizers and members.